
Welcome to

I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe in divine appointments. I believe that you are here for a reason––that you stumbled across this space for a purpose.

I also believe that we are all in some need of healing–from our pasts, from our world, or from a culture that doesn’t always accept us as we are for who we are.
And this space is a healing space.

Here, you’ll find community. You will read about experiences that may be similar to your own, or someone you know.

However you arrived here, know that

xo, Nic.

“Marriage is NOT the goal; it is not the finish line. It is simply an avenue that GOD uses for some of us––not all of us––to continue unveiling the work He’s already been performing in us. Our womanhood does not begin nor end with the institution of marriage; it is simply being transformed.”

The Latest from #TheRibLifeJourney Blog.

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I empower women to explore their GOD-given identity and sexuality without shame––unapologetically.

The Latest from The Transparency Pact.

“GOD made us and our sexuality. Therefore our sexuality and our sexual identity are a good thing. But the enemy has jaded our lens on that. No more! This is relearning who GOD has created us to be as we reclaim our GOD-given identity and sexuality.”
The Transparency Pact